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Free 2 Day Shipping Anywhere in the USA
Free 2 Day Shipping Anywhere in the USA

2 Years of Replacement Warranty Included
On All Motors

Warranty & Return Policy

Free Returns within 21 days

Easy Warranty Claims

Request a Warranty Claim

If you are experiencing issues with your purchase and you are within your 2-Year Warranty you may request a warranty claim.

Please visit this link to get your claim proccess started.

Product Return Policy

Product Returns


You can return your purchase for any reason for exchange or refund up to twenty-one (21) days from the date of invoice unless otherwise noted. Proof of purchase from United HVAC Motors is required for all returns.

Returns after 21 days

You may not return product for any reason after 21 days from purchase.

Returns Proccess

If you need to return an item, please follow these steps: 

1. Carefully package the item(s) and include PROOF OF PURCHASE with the reason for return written and included.
2. Indicate whether you would like a replacement product or a credit.
3. Sign in to your Account, Select Orders, Select Warranty Request, Select Return on 2nd Page.

Terms / Restocking Fees.

 – Must be packed securely; improper packing will void the return.
– Refunds will only be made to the original payment method. 
– Serial Number Label must NOT be removed
– Void Stickers Must NOT be broken. 
– Returning Past Deadline, Voids Return

*** If any of the terms above are not followed, a refund will not be issued. ***

Standard 2 Year Warranty

United HVAC Motors LLC warrants this product to be free from defects in workmanship and materials, under normal residential use and conditions, for a period of twenty-four (24) months from the original invoice date. The manufacturer agrees, at its option during the warranty period, to repair any defect in material or workmanship or to furnish a repaired or refurbished product of equal value in exchange without charge (except for a fee for shipping, handling, packing, return postage, and insurance which will be incurred by the customer). Such repair or replacement is subject to verification of the defect or malfunction and proof of purchase as confirmed by showing the model number on original dated sales receipt. Warranty Covers Only the Original Purchase. Only 1 Warranty Allowed per Purchase. There is $100 (Non-Refundable) Deductible Warranty Fee Required to Place Claim.

Not Our Motor: No Refund


For assistance with returns, please call United HVAC Motors customer care line at (813) 440-8108 or email us at

Defective Products

Defects in the product must be claimed within 21 days of the original purchase.

For more information about our 2 Year Warranty please see: